Project 2 – Site Expression + Identity


In groups, students to investigate the physical, cultural, and regulatory
characteristics of the site which located at Ruang, Seksyen 16, Shah
Alam, Selangor. Students are required to prepare a complete analysis of
the site surrounding/context and the building condition. The findings will
be documented as per requirement.

Site ‘Exploration’ + Building Analysis + Video Documentary
Surrounding + Building Context
Measurements + Series of Drawings + Space ‘Model’
Create + Capture

My group consists of 5 members and we are doing the Site Analysis section.

My group members are as below:

  1. Goh Chong Yue
  2. Tasnia
  3. Wong Cai Ying
  4. Wong Jia Wen
  5. Melissa Ng (me)

We had a visit to Ruang and we went around the area to explore and observe the people, transportation, vegetation, typology of buildings, circulation, sensory, demography and etc. We took lots and lots of pictures and with the help of google map, we are more clear about what is surrounding that area.

Below are our slides submission:

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PDF file : Site analysis ruang



Brand identity should be a consistent message received by its audience and must match the image projected to the public. Create a unique and memorable brand identity for your propose Hybrid Café + Services. You are to establish a clean, clear, and crisp branding that displays and projects the desired message; which does not have to be complicated, but concise and consistent.


  1. Name (with proper typeface)
  2. Logo
  3. Tagline
  4. Menu
  5. Packaging

Final board outcome:

Branding Slimemotion.jpg

Logo, title and tagline:

logotitle + tagline.jpg


To match my identity, I have decided to make a menu that can allow the user to choose what they want to eat depends on their mood of the day. I use the 6 characters as the menu face and added the textures of donut. It remained colourful to attract kids.

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Merchandise Packaging:

My merchandise is customise test tube slimes that allow user to bring it home. I use the 6 characters again and the mouth area was cut off to let the user have a glance of what is inside. There are 2 compartment, the first one is for the toppings such as glitters, beads and etc. The second compartment is to insert the test tube slimes. For easier slotting in and out, the lower compartment can be roll out and lay flat on the table.

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Me and my works:



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